Yesterday, after office hour's.. me, Zura, Zul and Kamarul (Zura office collegue's) plan going to RedBox. Pa lagi, karaoke la...
Actually, we already planned this early of the month. Though not going, at last jadi jugak! Coz at first, the group that planning to go is around 10 people's.. Mana tau a few cannot make it!
Me and Zura ok... We never go for karaoke together pun. Previously I go for karaoke with my friends only. And she, guess what..never entered the karaoke at all..!! (ya ka..?) Anything lah..
Tell you guys, last time me and my friends used to go for 'karaoke'. Kerap jugak la. At my area, Bayan Lepas here got a few karaoke centre. We all just go nearby only. But now, seldom.. A few of my friends are now at overseas. Rarely come back to Penang. A few plak doing busy with works and family's.
But friendly speaking (don't laugh ok) I am fan of "ROCK KAPAK" tau.. Panas telinga dengaq ya! Yes, its true.. Last night I think its the first time Zura hear and see me singing..! (betoi..) She's never heard my real voice, accept nyanyi dlm bilik jelah, bilik kecik..!! hehehe ;p
With her suprise faces, I'm just sing my favourite song with my feels. Wahh.. But she looks like excited, excited to sing too. On off of singing, we having our buffet dinner together too. So at least tak la lapaq, the enery recharged!! Baru la bleh 'balun' banyak lagu lagi nie..
Alamak!! Its getting late ready..! When I looked at my hand, dah near to 11pm dah..! Nyanyi punya nyanyi until we didn't realized what is the time now! Kesian to Zura, her face already showed tired..sleepy la sama tu! :P But she also very happy... Nyanyi 'sakan' jugak dia..
Wahh after one long time didn't go for karaoke, last night I felt so 'puas' man!! From 6.30pm until 11pm, 1 song to 1 song we sang.'sampai sora pun dah jadi serak'.. We all enjoy ourselves, felt pleasant la.. Well, at least release our tension too.. After a day at the office, this is the time that we all can 'spoilt' ourselves right..?
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