Me & ery started to plan everything since las month. But im not really into it coz i thought im going to hired da people tat known for their profesionalism, great services, fun & filled entertainment & so much more! What i mean is da birthday planner..
Tambah pulak ni kira 1st time for me & ery nk organize ni smua memandangkan las year masa Dhia umoq sethn we didn't do any birthday bash for her. Yelah...masa tu kecik lg kan, nk tiup lilin pun xreti ha...! Nowdays Dhia dah pandai bab2 birthday ni, sina a birthday song (cara dia la...) tiup2 lilin ni! So, we decide to do once.....
But, pa yg are plan before... Ckp pasai nk hired birthday planner la konon tu xjadi coz of after being discuss with ery about our budget, our guests (frens, family...) so we decide to manage ourselves. Daripada birthday cake, makanan, goodies bag, tempat event sampai ke benda remeh cam lolipops pun are amek kira! Ery kira bg budget bila are mntak jlah....heheee
So until today, almost 90% done...! Makanan dh ode, tempat event dh booked...goodies bag smua dh sedia, cake birthday dh ode...guest listing dh sent out. What else... We oso had discuss that we donT have any specific theme for her birthday, but we really know what she's really interested with. So...klu nk tau, nnt are crita dlm next post ya...!!
And ya... of course me & ery being as her parent are xcited to celebrate her birthday soon....!! Yabedabeduuuuuuuu......!!!
I got tis Super Cute badge for Dhia!!