Friday, November 27, 2009



to all our family members & friends


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Walimatul Urus

Alhamdulillah, yesterday we had attending my cousin's wedding. After a while, after so many problems.. at last they have become husband and wife yang sah!

Congratulations from me, Zura and the whole family!!


Saturday, November 21, 2009


Wondering...; why nowdays people yg akan kawin @ sudah kawin xmau pun bgtau kat kita xpecially their frens?! Fren dr time skolah lg plak tu, time kecik2 lari sama - sama..! Susah sgt ka nk gtau, or otherwise xmau DECLARE dr awai.. or xmau panggil kita makan kenduri?!! Takot kita 'tapau' bwk blk ka!! Eeeiii marah nie.. SAYA KICIWA!!! :-(

Im not saying tat u have to invite me, just at least tell.. so tat i know u gonna get married! Tr'sentap' betoi la, i feel frust with u!! Sory la if my words really hurt u. But to tell u fren, u really hurt me...!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

-Takziah -

Last night I received a call from my mother telling me that my grandUncle (Tok sedara) TokDin was admitted at Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital and his condition was quite critical! We quickly went back home first (even hujan turun lebat sangat that time) and decide to visit him later.

It was so sad when we all saw him! Its not like the same person when we meet him during last Hari Raya. This time, he looks so thin, skinny.. not like a tough guy that I ever know!!

This morning, again I received a news.. but this time telling that TokDin has passed away!! :(
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un... He passed away at 68years old due to cause of lung cancer. His body has been bury at graveyard Kampung Dodoi, Dato Kramat after Asar today. Takziah to all his family member..

The Prophet S.A.W said, "If any Muslim man or woman suffers a calamity (malapetaka) and keeps it in his memory, even if it happened a long time ago, saying each time it is remembered, "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un" ('We belong to Allah and to Him do we return,') Allah, who is Blessed and Exalted will give a fresh reward each time it is said, equivalent to the reward when it happened." (Tirmidhi : Ahmad and Bayhaqi, in Shu'ab al-Iman, transmitted it.)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

GalaNite Maybank PKP

"Sorry guys.. i cannot join u all!" Tats da only words i can tell all my colleagues. Its going to be da same day where Ery's cousin are getting engage!! So i have no choice, choosing my family first than going there..
I think on tat day, its going to be da best party ever for Maybank PKP! Looking forward to hear all da respons, comments.. and of course the photos laaa.... Enjoy guys, have fun!! Jeles aaaa, coz siap ada best dress smua!! I will miss da gather wit all da staffs, reunion between all my ex-colleagues tat has been transfer out. :P Rugi la Che Azura Idha...; but wat to do kan..!!
P/S:- Today is my nephew birthday, Abg Syazwan..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY-7th!! Acu & Paksu love u so so soooooo much!!
XOXO from Penang...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Story of da Day!!

The story begin like tis:-
In da morning, tengah dok siap2 nk p kja la kan...
Azura= "Ery,satg ptg kita p tgk KakMi masok osptal ya."
Ery= "Ya ka..Ok psai pa? Osptal mana.."
Azura= "Demam panas kot.. Kat Loh Guan Lye!!"
During lunch time, i know.. i remember laa tat i did remind Ery da same thing.. tu pun tru SMS kan kan! Sampai petang after done all my works, i again did SMS Ery saying tat i had finish my work and OTW to da ospital. I 'tumpang' my colleague together we went to visit KakMimi.. :P

After 5minutes we all arrived there, Ery call me!!
Ery= "Are,tingkat brapa bilik KakMi?"
Azura= "Tingkat 3, bilik no. 3311"
Ery= "Ha ha.. ok."................ trputus...

A few seconds then....;
Ery= "Are...btoi ka tingkat 3?"
Feelin someting, i ask him.. "Ery ada kat mana ni..?"
Ery= "Ha sudah.. Ery salah dh.. Ery ada kat LAM WAH EE!!"
Azura= "La....!!" *^#^%^#%^#@@#& punggah....
OTW back, Ery quiry...
Ery= "Eh Are, mana helmet...?"
Are trdiam skjap, thinking... :P
Azura= "La... are tinggai kat opis!!" :P habis la aku...
Ery= "Camna nak blk nie...?"
My luck is good went one of my colleague give her helmet for me to use! Jwbnya esok dia kna bwk keta la... All my colleagues gelak nk mampos laugh heartily knowing tat me and Ery was sooooo clumsy...!! Clumsy ka camtu..?!!

Klu tidak, blk naik basikal la kami berdua!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Da best 'remedy for 'sakit tekak'?!!


Anybody knows what's da best remedy for sore throat..?!! Perhaps tis few days i though it just a normal sore, (gatai tekak la kan..) then wonder y it also hav da phlegm..! Haaa :P i know ready!! I get da infection from Ery.. I didn't go n see a doc, hoping tat it will just disappear.

So here, i got a few tips:-

1) will take only cough mixture, (of course from a doctor right!!)

2) Honey!! Get a 'sudu' of honey n swallow it.. but dont swallow da 'sudu' plak ya :P

3) a glass warm water with lemon; squeeze da lemon into da water.. i've try before, it works!! Tp tahan la.. masam sunggoh, brkerut ja dahi..

4) fresh 'air kelapa muda' squeezed from coconut.. KELAPA MUDA tau. Sedap gak tu..

5) they said; Blackcurrant juice pun bleh.. Ribena ka..?

Watever it is, mayb i can try one of it. Hope it could help me reduce my sore throat nie.. Sakit haaaa tekak time nk menelan airliur nie haaa...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

With Love.. XOXO

Its my birthday today.. hehe (promote sendiri) :P

Thank you everybdy, thanks for all da wishes.. gifts..!! Really appreciate.